Develop Your Own Component

Describes how to develop your own component for StickyBoard.


This package is a component base for developing a new StickyBoard component.

You can download the repository, and create your own component by adding some code to the component base.

Setting up the local development environment

After creating your own StickyBoard component project by copying @stickyboard/component-base, you have to set up the local development environment.

First, go to your component directory, and create a symlink using the command below.

my-component$ npm link

Second, start packaging the component using the webpack by the command below.

my-component$ npm start

Next, go to your StickyBoard app's directory, and link the component using the command below.

my-stickyboard-app$ npm link <YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME>

Finally, start your StickyBoard app by the command below.

my-stickyboard-app$ npm run dev

Now, you can use and test your own StickyBoard component!

Last updated