Build & Run

Build your own dashboard, and run it!

Development mode

You can run StickyBoard on development mode by executing below command.

$ npm run dev

It will start both webpack-dev-server and StickyBoard on Node.js server, and default port is 3000.

Also, development mode uses .env.development file to load environment variables.

Production mode

First, you have to packaging resources using webpack by executing below command.

$ npm run build

Second, you can run StickyBoard on production mode by executing below command.

$ npm run production

It will start StickyBoard on Node.js server, and default port is 3000.

Also, production mode uses .env.production file to load environment variables.

PM2 daemon mode

First, you have to packaging resources using webpack by executing below command.

$ npm run build

Second, you can run StickyBoard using PM2 by executing below command.

$ npm start

It will start StickyBoard on Node.js server, and default port is 3000.

Also, production mode uses .env.production file to load environment variables.

You can specify running configuration by modifying ecosystem.config.js file.

Last updated